Kids your mum would have advised you against hanging out with. Spangled way too much of the time. Inexplicably deep for a couple of wastemen.
Hailing from the forgotten seaside metropolis of Portsmouth, not exactly known for its flourishing arts scene, Wade Appleton AKA Apps and Brandon Lebbie AKA Lebbs have been scrambling up together since young. Due to Apps’ Tourette’s syndrome and Lebbs being the stand-out mixed race face in a sea of white kids, the two were united by automatic outsider labels from day dot. After years of backing the other in the face of twats regularly seizing the opportunity to be twats, PROSPECTS came into being when they intoxicatedly stumbled down the rabbit hole of music together.
Inspired by the poetics of UK hip hop greats, the PROSPECTS style emerged complex from the moment it was born.
A few years later and they’re penning stanzas that would spin many a more seasoned rapper. The story is just starting. Big things are cooking down in Portsmouth.